63 research outputs found

    The Influence of Intergovernmental Organizations on Main Determinants of the Open Systems Model with Correlation Analysis Method Application.

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    The paper aims at analyzing the nature of relations between Intergovernmental Organizations and International Corporations. In first instance the study concentrates on identifying the key determinants of Intergovernmental Organizations behaviours. The following section is a description of business environment of International Companies based on the Open Systems Model. Three levels of interrelations have been mentioned, including the Operating Environment, the Host – Country Environment and the Global Environment. The solution proposal provides an analysis of the influence of determinants of Intergovernmental Organizations behaviours on the determinants of business environment of International Corporations with use of correlation analysis method

    Methodological Aspects of Qualitative-Quantitative Analysis of Decision-Making Processes

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    The paper aims at recognizing the possibilities and perspectives of application of qualitative-quantitative research methodology in the field of economics, with a special focus on production engineering management processes. The main goal of the research is to define the methods that would extend the research apparatus of economists and managers by tools that allow the inclusion of qualitative determinants into quantitative analysis. Such approach is justified by qualitative character of many determinants of economic occurrences. At the same time quantitative approach seems to be predominant in production engineering management, although methods of transposition of qualitative decision criteria can be found in literature. Nevertheless, international economics and management could profit from a mixed methodology, incorporating both types of determinants into joint decision-making models. The research methodology consists of literature review and own analysis of applicability of mixed qualitative-quantitative methods for managerial decision-making. The expected outcome of the research is to find which methods should be applied to include qualitative-quantitative analysis into multicriteria decision-making models in the fields of economics, with a special regard to production engineering management

    Zmiany parametrów jakości życia młodych Europejczyków - implikacje dla przedsiębiorstw

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    The paper aims at presenting the results of initial research on the perception and understanding of quality of human life between young Europeans. A literature overview resulted in a brief presentation of actual state of knowledge about socio – economic understanding of quality of life. A list of material and non – material determinants of quality of life characteristic for the mentioned group has been presented. A number of theses has been assessed: 1. In past years one can observe a deterioration of socio – economic environment of young Europeans. 2. This fact has brought some limits to the possibilities of their personal and professional development. 3. Moreover, these changes force modifications inside the determinants of quality of life of young Europeans. 4. Therefore, early recognition of the nature of mentioned changes could allow companies a more precise adaptation to the needs and preferences of this new generation of consumers. Direct interviews have been adopted as the main research method. The paper contains also an analysis of potential business implications of changing environment adaptation strategies of future employees and entrepreneurs from the young generation. Artykuł stanowi prezentację wyników wstępnych badań nad zmianami w postrzeganiu jakości życia przez młodych Europejczyków. W wyniku analizy literatury przedstawiono zwarte podsumowanie obecnego stanu wiedzy na temat jakości życia. Przedstawiono charakterystyczną dla wspomnianej grupy listę wyznaczników jakości życia z podziałem na czynniki materialne i niematerialne. Postawiono i przeanalizowano następujące tezy: 1. W ostatnich latach nastąpiła deterioracja społeczno – ekonomicznego otoczenia Młodych Europejczyków. 2. Doprowadziła ona do ograniczenia możliwości rozwoju zawodowego i osobistego młodych ludzi w Europie. 3. Wspomniane zjawiska znajdują odzwierciedlenie w zmianie struktury wyznaczników jakości życia europejskich Młodych. 4. Odpowiednio wczesne i precyzyjne rozpoznanie kierunków tych zmian pozwoli przedsiębiorstwom na precyzyjniejsze dopasowanie się do potrzeb i preferencji pokolenia młodych konsumentów. Do badań zastosowano metodę wywiadów bezpośrednich. Przeanalizowano potencjalne implikacje dla przedsiębiorstw wynikające ze zmienności warunków funkcjonowania i strategii adaptacyjnych młodego pokolenia przyszłych pracowników i przedsiębiorców

    The measurement of housing preferences in the Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    The paper focuses on adaptation of the AHP method to elicit housing preferences on the rental market. To assess the applicability of AHP method for residential market analyses, a survey was conducted on a group of students from Cracow University of Economics, Poland. The students were asked to evaluate the importance of particular criteria when selecting an apartment. We identified the major methodological difficulties of utilization of AHP method in applied research on preferences and decision-making on the housing market. Potential solutions to mentioned limitations were also presented

    Material and Non-material Determinants of European Youth's Life Quality

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    The paper confronts chosen approaches to quality of life studies with recent changes in post-crisis socio-economic environment. The focus is on European Youth at verge of entry into adult life. Presented research is a preliminary study for “The Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods for Analyzing Material and Non-material Determinants of Life Satisfaction between Young People from Developing Countries” project. Identifying and grouping the determinants of their life satisfaction could result in elaborating an innovative approach, providing European Youth with a new perspective on their personal and professional development options and allowing them to achieve a decent level of life satisfaction

    Geopolitics and the Development of Internationally Oriented Companies

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    The increasing complexity of management in the global environment creates a need for a deeper understanding of the nature of relations between geopolitical occurrences and the development of Internationally Oriented Companies. Therefore, following a literature review, a conceptual model, including the determinants of development of Internationally Oriented Companies and the geopolitical processes, is proposed. The main research hypothesis states that Internationally Oriented Companies not only profit from their environmental opportunities, but also shape their operating environments in order to gain influence over the foreign policy-making of states. The paper provides its positive verification. The role of weak signals in the early identification of such behaviours is mentioned. A conclusive postulate of transcribing the elaborated model into a computer application for geopolitical decision-making for managers has been formulated

    Wybory młodych Europejczyków w pokryzysowej rzeczywistości - propozycja modelu decyzyjnego opartego na metodzie AHP.

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    The paper proposes a decision-making model that would allow young Europeans to make conscious choices in early stage of their professional and private life. The motivation for such a study comes from lack of feeling of stability between young people, that can be perceived as one of repercussions of last global financial crisis. A decision-making model based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process method has been proposed. Decision-makers are young people at the verge of their adult lives. The subject of the decision-making is such a ranking of determinants of quality of life that would provide individuals with a possibly highest level of life satisfaction in the future. The analysis embodies material (quantitative) and non-material (qualitative) determinants of decision-making. After application of presented model young people could make more conscious choices, consonant with their hierarchy of values, needs and individual expectations. In result, the economy will obtain more motivated employees, whereas the society less frustrated and happier citizens

    Zastosowanie jakościowych metod badawczych w naukach ekonomicznych - możliwości i perspektywy w warunkach globalizacji i regionalizacji gospodarki światowej i europejskiej.

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    W artykule przedstawiono możliwości aplikacji jakościowej metodologii badawczej w obszarze Nauki Ekonomii. Przyjęto założenie o konieczności włączenia do analiz ekonomicznych czynników o charakterze jakościowym. Zawarto postulat o potrzebie poszerzenia metodologii ekonomicznej o jakościowe metody badawcze. W oparciu o przegląd literatury przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy omawianego zagadnienia. Podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o sens stosowania analizy jakościowej do naukowego opisu procesów ekonomicznych. Dokonano przeglądu istniejących metod jakościowych pod kątem ich użyteczności w opisie makro- i mikrootoczenia biznesu w dobie globalizacji i regionalizacji

    Wybory młodych Europejczyków w pokryzysowej rzeczywistości - propozycja modelu decyzyjnego opartego na metodzie AHP.

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    The paper proposes a decision-making model that would allow young Europeans to make conscious choices in early stage of their professional and private life. The motivation for such a study comes from lack of feeling of stability between young people, that can be perceived as one of repercussions of last global financial crisis. A decision-making model based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process method has been proposed. Decision-makers are young people at the verge of their adult lives. The subject of the decision-making is such a ranking of determinants of quality of life that would provide individuals with a possibly highest level of life satisfaction in the future. The analysis embodies material (quantitative) and non-material (qualitative) determinants of decision-making. After application of presented model young people could make more conscious choices, consonant with their hierarchy of values, needs and individual expectations. In result, the economy will obtain more motivated employees, whereas the society less frustrated and happier citizens

    Managerial Decision Making in Geopolitically Turbulent Environments

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    The presented paper is a presentation of final results of research led throughout past years on a group of Polish and international SME’s. The essential aim was the elaboration of a decision – making model including both qualitative and quantitative factors that influence decision – making processes. Most focus has been put on geopolitical determinants of international companies’ development. In order to narrow the research field, a further limitation has been made in the type of undertaken solutions. This resulted in focusing on managerial rather than strategic decisions, although long – term strategic planning still can be enhanced through application of proposed method. The research methodology has been based on Analytic Hierarchy Process applied for assessment of individual and collective utility of various indexes describing the actual economic situation and short – term prospects of enterprises operating locally (inside Poland) and internationally. The presented final stage of research draws attention to expert evaluations of 6 professional experts carefully chosen from a group of 31 skilled managers interviewed in preliminary research phase. The study ends with a proposal of a qualitative – quantitative decision making model anticipating geopolitical factors in order to improve the quality of managerial decision making in international enterprises